Last night we officially started "sleep training." Although she has been sleeping in her crib in her own room for the past 3 weeks, last night was the first night we put her down before 7:30 p.m. It's hard to believe, but she slept for 6 hours before waking to eat again! Hopefully this pattern will continue on a regular basis!
God has blessed us with a very happy baby - in the mornings she's wide awake and busy cooing. She really only gets fussy when she's hungry, needs to be held or changed, or wants her paci. When she is upset and wants her pacifier instead of milk she uses a cry that sounds like a mad scream (although it's pretty funny to us!). She's so big - not pudgy (only a little in her legs), but rather is tall and already wearing 3-6 month clothing at 2 months of age.
Here are some pictures of her in a little Easter outfit (the bloomers say "Sweet buns") and a couple videos; one is her watching Grandma Debby eat ice cream (it's almost as if she's trying to tell us she wants some!), and a second of her cooing. Enjoy!

Abby cooing the morning of St. Patrick's Day