Yesterday I had my last fetal echocardiogram for baby boy #2. The great news is that everything else seems to look good and aside from his unilateral cleft lip and palate, we are hoping that he's perfectly "normal" otherwise after delivery. But that's actually a misnomer, as we've known for years now that "normal" is relative! Above are two 4-D pictures; he definitely has the broad, round "Dannewitz" head shape and cheekbones, and appears to have the "Dunn" nose. It was amazing to watch him moving around in real-time 4-D video; I think he looks a lot like Soren and Abigail! He "dropped" last Sunday, so I've been busy preparing everything (frozen meals, finishing house projects, etc.) so that I can rest these last few weeks before his arrival.
Brian has been keeping very busy with work; he spent a week in Tulsa for some additional training on another product his company sells. We're excited about our plans for the future and are enjoying the focus and lessons we're learning in this current season of life.
Abigail is doing quite well! At 16.5 months, she is soooo busy getting into everything within reach, and figuring out ways to get into things out of her reach. ;-) Although she has much to talk about, she lacks the vocabulary to do so but babbles on anyway. She has a few words that she uses regularly, like "Doggie, Daddy, Ju (juice), Mama, Ball, Tree, Du (for pacificer??!), and Sat (for "what's that?"). She's quite a climber and loves paperback books (chewing on them especially); I recently found a book soaking wet after she threw it in the bathtub when I wasn't looking (our tub needs a little work on the drain, which doesn't work properly!)...it's always an exciting adventure for us. How refreshing it is to imagine life from her perspective, being filled with wonder and awe, excitement and no fear for anything. It's inspiring just to watch her play! She is down to a single, short half-hour-to-hour nap during the day (much to this very pregnant mama's dismay) and is always awake before 7 a.m. It makes for long, tiring days for me right now, but hopefully that will improve within four or five months, after baby boy is hopefully sleeping through the night!
Brian has been keeping very busy with work; he spent a week in Tulsa for some additional training on another product his company sells. We're excited about our plans for the future and are enjoying the focus and lessons we're learning in this current season of life.
Abigail is doing quite well! At 16.5 months, she is soooo busy getting into everything within reach, and figuring out ways to get into things out of her reach. ;-) Although she has much to talk about, she lacks the vocabulary to do so but babbles on anyway. She has a few words that she uses regularly, like "Doggie, Daddy, Ju (juice), Mama, Ball, Tree, Du (for pacificer??!), and Sat (for "what's that?"). She's quite a climber and loves paperback books (chewing on them especially); I recently found a book soaking wet after she threw it in the bathtub when I wasn't looking (our tub needs a little work on the drain, which doesn't work properly!)...it's always an exciting adventure for us. How refreshing it is to imagine life from her perspective, being filled with wonder and awe, excitement and no fear for anything. It's inspiring just to watch her play! She is down to a single, short half-hour-to-hour nap during the day (much to this very pregnant mama's dismay) and is always awake before 7 a.m. It makes for long, tiring days for me right now, but hopefully that will improve within four or five months, after baby boy is hopefully sleeping through the night!