Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good morning everyone! This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Today, September 16, 2009, would have been Soren's 1st birthday. It has been an emotional week with Soren's birthday today, and the let-down of returning home to TX after a two-week vacation in Montana with our families. We thank everyone for their prayers, support, and encouragement during this challenging time - you all mean so much to us, please know that we treasure you and your friendships.

Just a quick thought for everyone: Heaven is the ultimate destination for Christians. It is the place of perfection, and one day you will be standing in front of Our Lord, the great and only Judge. I do hope that if you have not made the choice to accept Christ Jesus as your Savior, that you will do so immediately. Eternity is too long of a time to not spend it with you in Heaven! I have been doing much reading on Heaven and can tell you, I cannot wait to get there, to see Soren again, and my savior Christ Jesus, and all of our other family and friends who received their crowns before we will. Please gravely consider your decision, the direction your life is headed, and where you ultimately want to end up. If you are interested in learning more about Heaven, I highly recommend Randy Alcorn's book, Heaven. After all, why wouldn't one want to learn everything he/she can about his/her future home?

Thank you for allowing me to exercise my freedom of speech on that one. It is serious business! So is the business of choosing a child's name. We took some time to choose a name for our baby girl while on vacation: Abigail Grace McGinnis. She is definitely getting bigger and her movements stronger. It's amazing to feel how different this little baby is from Soren -she is definitely stronger and moves more often.

Well, that's about all for now. It's good to be home and I pray that each of you reading this will treasure and enjoy your family as much as we do today!

1 comment:

  1. Kristin, I don't know you well in person, but through your writing, I feel like I know quite a bit of your heart. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us! Happy Birthday to little Soren...I can't wait to meet him! (And yes, I know I'll get to meet him...I know where I'm going.) God bless you, Brian, and Abigail!
