Hi everyone, so sorry it's taken me so long to post an update! Grandma Laurie was here last week and we had a great time showing her around San Antonio. Brian and I had an even better time taking a few naps here and there! It was an incredible blessing to have her here with us for a week and we are so grateful that she was able to come and visit us. Brian's parents are scheduled to arrive Friday afternoon and will be here for a week and we are excited for them to meet Abigail.
Little Miss Abigail is already 5.5 weeks old - hard to believe! I imagine that she weighs well over 10# and has already had a few growth spurts - she's filling out 3-month clothing, mostly lengthwise. It looks like she might be tall like Brian. She definitely has facial features from each of her grandparents: Glenn's forehead; Debby's deeply-set eyes, lips and nose; Dale's cheekbones and cheeks; Laurie's chin. Her brown hair has fallen out on top only, and she now has what I've been referring to as "old man hair" - thick and long in back, bald on top, thinning at the sides. No worries - I'll take all necessary precautions to prevent a baby mullet.
Abigail is already starting to grab at things, athough it is hard to tell if it's accidental or intentional. One of her latest nicknames is Smiley, although it really only applies in the morning and occasionally in the middle of the night. She's cooing and becoming quite responsive - very wide-eyed and alert with great head control. I'll try to update this again before an entire month passes again!
So glad you had a good visit with your Mom. (and that you got some naps!!) I love the picture of her holding Brian's finger. So very precious!