It's hard to believe, but our daughter is already on the move! Crawling like crazy, pulling up to standing...we had to lower her crib the night we returned home to San Antonio after our vacation to ND because she was standing up! She taught herself how to pull up on the bookshelves on grandma and grandpa's coffee table in Bismarck, ND.
We had a nice trip to North Dakota - it was great to watch Abigail enjoy her grandma Laurie (and grandpa Dale when he wasn't busy working). I was able to enjoy hanging out with my cousin Holly for a couple days in Bismarck before heading up to Minot to pick up Brian a few days later.
While in Minot some of our dear friends held an open-house for us and we were able to visit with many of our friends in the short time we were in town. After much horseback riding, visiting with my Godparents, and hanging out with our good friends in Minot, we headed up to my family's cabin in White Earth.
The scenery has changed darastically in ND over the past year; I found it surprising to see how many hundreds of wind turbines and oil rigs have popped up on the once-naked horizon. Nonetheless, it was wonderful to be in beautiful North Dakota. I can't believe how much I love that state and want to return and raise our family there! It's amazing that communities have large yards and can just let their kids play outside in the fresh air, balmy summer temperatures...okay, I'll stop now - I'm getting a little verklempt.
I was blessed with the opportunity to be a bridesmaid in my good friend Renae VanBerkom's wedding. She was such a beautiful bride and it was a wonderful ceremony. It was so great to see her and several other friends during that weekend.
Sunday morning we drove back to Minot for church and were excited that Dave and Dana (my brother and sister-in-law) asked Brian to be Dayson's Godfather! Admittedly, it was very difficult for me to be standing in front of the entire congregation at First Presbyterian Church in Minot, listening to the pastor read some of the same exact scriptures we read at Soren's funeral, the last time we had been at the front of that church. I had a very difficult time and had an emotional breakdown during the baptism ceremony (sorry Dave and Dana - hope I didn't embarass you!). Luckily it passed and God helped me realize it as a perfect opportunity to be healing that wound, celebrating new life in Christ, where just a year and four months prior we had celebrated Soren's new life in Heaven with Christ. It was beautiful and very, very meaninful for our family. We had a great time visiting with family after the baptism and during the remaining two days in ND thereafter. (Mom - I'll get pics up as soon as we download the remaining pictures and video off our camera!)
Needless to say, we are happy to be back in our routine in San Antonio now! It's exciting to be gearing up for another move in 5-6 months. Although we have no idea where we'll be moving to, the possibilities are wonderful, and the Air Force approved Brian's request to separate early in December. So we're on track for another move before January!
I'm preparing to have another carpel tunnel surgery (on my right hand, this time) next Wednesday. Then hopefully I'll be almost done with all of my medical appointments this year! For now, at least... :) I'm enjoying developing my creative interests, feathering our nest, playing violin again, and maybe some new and exciting news to write about in the near future (regarding my ventures). Until then, take care, make the most of every moment in every day, and open your eyes and enjoy the beauty of God's creation all around you!
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