Ha ha! I knew it. I am just so not good at blogging on a regular basis! So sorry.
So here's the past few months in a flash:
Abigail had her 1st birthday on the 18th of January! She's getting so big; not walking yet, but very close. Just babbling, no discernable words yet, but she uses the same babble for a few words such as "dada," "bobble" or dobble" (bottle), "ma", and"da" for dog. It's amazing to watch her learn things like how to turn the light switch on and off when I'm trying to change her diaper (which is a challenge at all anymore!), and how to push things as she walks along with them (like chairs, toys, boxes, etc.). Her head is full of 1/2" dirty-blonde peach fuzz, and we'll get some pictures posted as soon as we can.
Which brings me to the update on our living status. We are now living in Dallas, GA, staying with some dear friends until we can find and close on a house (God bless them!). Abby's birthday also happened to be the same day Brian flew from Altanta to Chicago to start his new job. He had meetings there for a couple days, and is now home (in suburb of Altanta), getting into the swing of a corporate job. He is enjoying it so far; it's definitely a different work environment than he experienced in the military, but he's excited about the changes and the future.
I (Kristin) am 14 weeks pregnant with our third child, due at the very end of July (July 27th). In Hotlanta. Oh well! At least we'll get to enjoy four seasons here, and we'll be able to take the whole family out hunting this fall. (Hopefully!!!) I was hoping that this pregnancy would be perfectly fine without any sickness, nausea, vomiting, etc. etc., but unfortuantely this one has been just as sensitive as my first and more volatile than my second which makes me think it's a boy....? We'll find out soon enough, but at least in this pregnancy I can take medication to help take a little bit of the edge off.
Again, it's taken me so long to get the blog updated. Thanks Kelly, for your encouragement to update the blog (I obviously needed it!)! If anyone needs an updated (albeit temporary) address, please email me or send a message on facebook and I'll be happy to pass it along to you. God bless!
Friday, January 21, 2011
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So glad to have an update! Welcome back to the blogging world! :)